How to make $2000 a month

You want to start your online business and make at least $2000 a month? Here's how.

Many combinations lead you to make $2000 a month.

  • 1 x $2000
  • 4 x $500
  • 20 x $100
  • 100 x $20

So how you get to the 2k month depends largely on your offer. Do you offer something for 20$ or for 2000$? The strategy will be very different.

Let’s say you start from scratch. No audience, no nothing.

Hint: If you’re like “but I want rather $10’000 than $2000” read this Instagram post of mine. For some it works out, but at least in my case: I kept myself stuck at $0 for a whole year wanting too much too quickly.

The $20 offer

If you want to sell a $20 offer to 100 people regularly, you will have to use ads. You simply won’t get enough eyes onto your offer without that.

But what I’d still advise to do is to learn content first. Either from someone who knows how it works or by observing, trying, and testing. Because if you don’t know how to create content that is catchy and interesting, you also do not know how to create an ad. And then you might as well just burn your money.

At the same time: build your audience, to also increase organic sales.

The $100 - $500 offer

In this range it starts to make sense to do active reach-out. The reason why that’s not so helpful for the $20 offer is that it just requires time. Too much time for a $20 sale.

What I mean with reach-out:

  • Offline:
    • Check out your existing network: is there someone who could be interested in your work?
    • Go to events where your ideal client is.
    • Check if you can cooperate with other businesses: e.g. as an interior designer, check if you can leave your flyers at a home decor shop.
  • Online:
    • Go find at least 20 Facebook groups around your topic and hop in there. See what problem’s people post about and approach them. You can comment and / or message them. Yes, the dreaded cold message. It works perfectly fine if you a) care about the person instead of your sale and b) they already look for help.
    • Insta does not quite have the same group structure, which makes it more difficult here. But even on Insta you can check out your competitors and their followers. And engage with the others in the comments or follow them.

Plus also use the power of FREE.

Usually in fb groups you are not allowed to actively promote. But what most groups allow is giving away free things. → Offer something for free that people really want. Do whatever you can to help them. Build the relationship first, and give give give. Selling is about establishing a relationship of trust.

At the same time you build your community and network, so that people can come to you at some point. Cause you won’t have time for reach-out forever. It’s just a great method to get you started and talking to many people in a short time.

The $1000+ offer:

The strategies here look similar to the $100 – $500 offer, except: the power of FREE becomes even more important.

A stranger will not trust you with $2000 right away. Ain’t gonna happen.

With stranger I mean: someone who does not know you at all, who you’ve found in an fb group for example. No previous contact before. Means this person has also not watched any of your content. Maybe they’ve seen your website, max.

So you simply give first. Also bigger things: a month of free support for example. Don’t feel like you are too good to do things for free.

Establish that trust first. Be helpful first, instead of trying to only tell them how helpful you are. People usually pay for the value they ALREADY got from you. Not the one they will get from you in the future.

And even then: I’d advise to sell something lower priced first. But really depends on your sales skills. Some people are amazing at selling and have it very easy to sell expensive offers right away. I had a really difficult time to even sell something for $200 in the beginning. So I built my experience in asking for money by working for free first (higher trust on the customer side) and at very low prices. That allowed me to increase my confidence and also increase my prices from there.

The long-run

Product range

In the long-run you want to have a range of products in all price categories. Someone who bought from you once and was happy is a LOT more likely to buy from you again. 

That way people can easily dip their toes into your work at a low price. Then when they loved it, they can upgrade to a medium range offer. And if they want personal support now they can upgrade to the highest tier offers.

Content marketing

In the long-run it’s always more fun to let people come to you. But it will take a moment to know your clients well enough so that you can nail content.

The strategies above are the ones that will get you going, even if you don’t nail content marketing / attraction marketing yet.

The more you start to get to know your ideal clients, and how to sell, the more you can write content that attracts them. Show up consistently, provide value and testimonials and build your brand. And at some point you’ll have a community that trusts you and you can simply sell in your content.

Summary: how to make $2000 a month

Making $2000 a month is really not that difficult. But it requires some experience in selling to get there.

To break it down again:

  • Decide on an offer and on the price category that this offer is in.
  • Think of ways to bring eyes onto the offer. For very low priced: ads are the only way if you do not have an audience yet. But again, learn content first before you go for ads.
    Otherwise, a mix of reach-out and content marketing will get you there.
  • Actively sell. Wherever you can. People want to buy. They want to get good solutions for their problems. They spend sooo much money on all sorts of things. Take the shame away of selling.


Let me know once you got your first sale! 😀 I love to celebrate with you.



You’re striving to create the freedom for yourself to work online and on your own terms, but have no idea where to start?

I gotcha :D That’s exactly what my program, the BraveBiz Builder, is about. Go check it out!

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