How to make $2000 a month

You want to start your online business and make at least $2000 a month? Here’s how.
Build your online business in 6 months

In 6 months, you want to sit at a beach in Mexico, drink in your hand, after a work day in your online business? Let’s look at 5 things you need to do TODAY for that to happen.
Define your soul client

90% of the people who want more visibility or clients have this issue: their base is not stable yet. Their positioning is not clear enough.
For your marketing it’s crucial that you know who your soul client is. While trying to speak to everyone, you end up speaking to no one. So let’s look at this!
How to release your Power

Do you know this feeling?
You want to show up in your power. In your energy. In your fullness. In your commitment & conviction.
And you can feel it.
But once you turn on that camera, it’s just not coming through.